Author Marjorie Neset, a lifelong traveler, reader, and writer, invites you along on a lifetime of journeys, long and short, to “far away places with strange-sounding names”—or just down Highway 71 to picnic in the shade of Paul Bunyan and Babe.
Window Seat: The Story of a Traveling Life presents an explorer’s tale or perhaps a memoir of journeying. Neset was born near the beginning of World War II and spent the next eighty-five years traversing the world, from northern Minnesota’s Koochiching County to Mongolia, Madagascar, Singapore, Syria, and most points between. While the lands are grand, the adventures reflect a more human scale, often originating in books Neset read and always planned by her alone. Who could have imagined that, as her travels drew to a close, the planet would be experiencing similar turmoil to the events leading up to the world war into which she was born? With that in mind, she encourages everyone to get out there and experience this magnificent planet while they still can.
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